Strong Women

Change Your Mind Change Your Life Change Your World Change Your Future

This week is about identifying who you are now, who you are wanting to become and what you need to do, to be able to make permanent changes. During this week, we want you to focus hard on:

This week is about identifying who you are now, who you are wanting to become and what you need to do, to be able to make permanent changes. During this week, we want you to focus hard on:

Strong Women (1)


Our menus focus on:

1. Adequate protein intake

2. Micronutrient diversity

3. Dinner for breakfast

Make sure you have calculated your protein and are maximising the nutrient density of each your meals!

Exercise Programs

In our paid coaching programs, you get access to our app which has all our training programs, and exercise videos on it. 

In the free week, we have the exercise programs as a download for you. If you are unsure of any exercise, please check my YouTube channel for the demonstration.

Daily Content

Day 1

Are you telling yourself stories? Have you accepted your part in where you are today? Listen to this video to understand why ownernship is crucial to change. 

Day 2

Protein is the master nutrient! If you are trying to lose weight, you need to make sure you are eating enough protein!

Day 3

Who do you need to become to be the person you’ve always wanted to be?

Day 4

One of the number one reasons we don’t achieve our goals is  because we’re not really passionate about them or we haven’t figured out our “why”.

Day 5

This video explains why the athlete mindset is so important to adopt when trying to change your life.

Day 6

Ever felt selfish for saying no to other people? This video explains why being selfish is actually healthy for you and your family.

Day 7

Time to set your goals! 

Sleep Routine

Weekly Sleep Goals

Weekly Reflection

Make sure you take the time each week to reflect back on the week that was.

This is a great opportunity to assess how successful your week was, where you can improve and what you should congratulate yourself for!

Week 1 Checklist