Appointment with Naomi
Book an appointment today to discuss all your health concerns with Naomi. After your appointment, you will be provided with a healthy ageing focused plan whcih includes diet and exercise recommendations.

Cognitive Assessment (Short)
This is a ~30 minute appointment where you will undergo a number of assessments to test global and executive function and memory. After the appointment, you will be provided with a report for yoursekf and your GP. Naomi will also provide you with diet and exercise recommendations to support and improve your overall cognitive health.
Cognitive Assessment (Long)
This is a ~60 minute appointment where you will undergo a full cognitive assessment battery (NeuroTrax). After the appointment, you will be provided with a report for yoursekf and your GP. Naomi will also provide you with diet and exercise recommendations to support and improve your overall cognitive health.

Cognitive Asssessments
Why should I get tested?
Just as you would routinely check your eyes or teeth, undergoing semi-regular cognitive testing provides you and your healthcare practitioner with a baseline to reference if concerns arise. These tests also allow your practitioner to monitor changes over time and assess whether interventions are effective. With dementia projected to become the leading cause of death in Australia—and research showing that men and women are cognitively vulnerable in their 40s and 50s—keeping track of your cognitive health is essential.
Is the cognitive testing done online
Yes. Currently the appointments are all done online.
Can I claim a rebate on my appointment?
You can claim a rebate for a portion of the appointment. Simply ask for a receipt for claiming and we will provide this for you.
Can a diagnosis be made from these tests?
Naomi cannot make any diagnoses but can provide you with an interpretation of the test results. She will send your results to your primary healthcare provider for further discussion.
What should I do to prepare for these tests?
We encourage you to get a good night sleep the night before. On the day of the testing, stick with your normal routine and make sure that you have had somethinf to eat before coming in for testing.
Appointments with Naomi
What are Naomi's areas of specialty?
Cognitive health
Healthy ageing
Women’s health
Cognitive impairment
Heart disease
Can i claim a rebate on my Appointment?
Yes. Private health rebates apply and you can also claim via Medicare with a referral and a current GP management plan.
Where is Naomi located?
Naomi is in Ipswich QLD however due to her busy university schedule, she is currently only offering online appointments.