
All Things Bariatric Surgery

Join Naomi for this informative webinar on all things relating to bariatric surgery. During the webinar Naomi will cover:

Naomi will also have a number of guests on the webinar who have undergone surgery themselves and will give a first hand account of their own experiences surrounding their decision to opt for surgery and what life has been like since.

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Calories, Macros & Intuitive Eating

This is a practical workshop where every participant will have the opportunity to calculate their own personalised nutrition data. As it is a practical focused workshop, Naomi will only be covering the theory essentials that will enable the practical elements to be completed. 

Each participant will get a worksheet that will have the PowerPoint slides and the worksheets to complete their own nutrition calculations. 

The workshop will be run on an interactive online platform, over two hours.

The following content will be covered:

At the end of the workshop, each participant will have:

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